Brand name check services from Harcz & Partner Ltd.
Harcz & Partner Ltd. Also provides brand name checking services. We have completed dozens of brand name check projects in the course of our 13-year history. If your company is planning to sell its product(s) in new countries or regions, it is often advisable to create a new brand name for it for each country or region. Your task is to come up with a list of possible country-specific brand names, and our contribution is to check which of these is the most appropriate and useful in the given country/region.
For this purpose, we employ native speakers of that culture, who carefully check the possible negative or positive connotations, relevance and audio features of each proposed new brand name, they will indicate their evaluations in a table, and based on this table, our agency selects the brand name that is most suited to the given market. We have completed several brand name checking projects for minor Asian and African countries and regions successfully, not to speak of European and American countries, for which it is usually an equally demanding task to come up with the best solution.