
What we translate

The following is a non-exhaustive list of our language services.

Advertising Translation

The translation of advertisements has accompanied us ever since our translation company was establis... More >

African Translators

Harcz & Partner Ltd. Translation Company has been providing high-quality, native translation int... More >

Agreement Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. translates commercial and business agreements, contracts and corporate corr... More >

Article Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd’s seasoned translators offer multilingual article translation at affor... More >

Arts Translation

With a large number of its freelance translators and editors holding a university degree in humaniti... More >

Asian translators

Harcz & Partner Ltd. Translation Company is proud to offer tailor-made language solutions involv... More >

Audio Transcription

Harcz & Partner Ltd. Translation Company has immense experience in the field of audio and video ... More >

Biography Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. has been engaged in the biography translation business for more than a deca... More >

Book Translation

One of Harcz & Partner Ltd.’s longstanding specialties is book translation. We have an ill... More >

Book Translator

One of Harcz & Partner Ltd.’s longstanding specialties is book translation. We have an ill... More >

Business Translation

Business translation has been one of the most regular activities of Harcz & Partner Ltd. Transla... More >

Business Translator

Business translation has been among Harcz & Partner Ltd’s hottest specialties for more tha... More >

Clinical Trial Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. has been providing tailor-made translation solutions to companies active in... More >

Commercial Translation

In the course of the past decade and a half, Harcz & Partner Ltd. Translation Company carried ou... More >

Contract Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd’s legal translators hold a university degree in law. This enables th... More >

Course Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd’s seasoned and professional translators are ready to translate your co... More >

CV Translation

The translation of CV’s (resumés) requires specialized knowledge in the given subject m... More >

English editor

You have written an English-language article, letter, message or even a book, and want a university-... More >

Environmental Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. is proud to offer 75% of its full rates for the translation of texts relate... More >

Exotic Language Translators

Harcz & Partner Ltd. Translation Company is renowned world-wide as an exotic language translatio... More >

General Translation

Although general translation is regarded as possibly the easiest kind of translation work, it can be... More >

Historical Translation

In each of its specialty languages, Harcz & Partner Ltd. Translation Company disposes over ... More >

HR Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. has been active in the field if HR translation since 1997. Our specialist h... More >

IT Translation

With the breathtaking technological advancement witnessed over the past couple of decades worldwid... More >

Journalistic Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. provides publication-quality journalistic translation on a daily basis at a... More >

Legal Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. makes it point only to use native lawyers and other university-educated leg... More >

Letter translation

In the course of our 17-year history, the translation of personal and business letters has been... More >

Literary Translation

The translation of literature is one of the most challenging kinds of translation despite the fact t... More >


Harcz & Partner Ltd’s website localization department will make sure to translate your web... More >

Love Letter Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. has a long and illustrious history translating love letters. Since we have ... More >

Lyrics Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. has a long history translating the lyrics of songs both into and from Engli... More >

Machine Translation Post-Editing

Machine translation, for purposes like publication or corporate communication, will never repla... More >

Manual Translation

Manual translation has been one of our most regular activities since we were founded in 1997. Our hi... More >

Marketing Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. offers high-quality, native marketing translation services in a wide range ... More >

Medical Software Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. has an illustrious past translating/localizing medical software into major ... More >

Medical Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd.’s medical translation department can translate medical and pharmaceut... More >

Medical Translator

Harcz & Partner Ltd. has specialized in high-quality, native medical and pharmaceutical transl... More >

Multilingual Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. is a multilingual translation company with direct working relationships wit... More >

Multilingual Website Translation

Multilingual website translation has been a central part of our activities ever since we launched ou... More >

Native Translators

Harcz & Partner Ltd. makes it a point only to employ translators that work exclusively into thei... More >

Online Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. prides itself on being on-line between 6 a.m., GMT and 8 p.m. GMT every wee... More >

Overnight Translation

We offer overnight translation to clients based at least 6 hours behind or ahead of us, e.g. in the ... More >

Pharmaceutical Translation

One of Harcz & Partner Ltd’s longstanding specialties is pharmaceutical translation. We ca... More >

Philosophical Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. has been providing high-quality translations of philosophical texts since t... More >

Presentation Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. has an illustrious past translating PowerPoint presentations into a plethor... More >

Professional Translators

Harcz & Partner Ltd. makes it a point only to use the services of carefully tested professional ... More >

Quality Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. prides itself on delivering quality translations. Our international clients... More >

Questionnaire Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. has extensive experience translating questionnaires from English into vario... More >

Quick Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. is proud of never compromising quality on the altar of speed, however, our ... More >

Research Translation

The translation of research papers and material required for the successful conducting of research h... More >

Scientific Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. proudly disposes over a carefully selected network of highly capable freela... More >

Sports Translation

Harcz & Partner Ltd. offers its valued clients publication-quality translation of sports-related... More >

Technical Translation

Technical translation has been one of the greatest strengths of Harcz & Partner Ltd. over the pa... More >

Thesis Translation

Want to publish your thesis or Ph.D. thesis in another language? Want to translate somebody else&rsq... More >


Harcz & Partner Ltd. has transcribed countless audios and videos for its international clients o... More >

Translation Agency

Harcz & Partner Ltd. has been an all-round translation agency since its foundation by Daniel B. ... More >

Translation Services

Harcz & Partner Ltd. Translation Company provides comprehensive translation services to clients ... More >

Website Translation

In the 21st century, it is obvious that a business company is able to address a much larger audien... More >



Lorraine (client project manager)


Hi Daniel,

I confirm receipt.  Also, thank you for delivering ahead of the deadline.   It’s a pleasure working with you!

Best Regards,


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  • Translatino Company
Company News


1st, July, 1997. Harcz & Partner Ltd. Translation Company is established.

10.10.2009. Our new website, Translation Company.org, is online.

13.11.2009. Thanks to a comprehensive revamping of our freelancer database, we can now offer even shorter deadlines in an even more predictable manner.

21.12.2011. Harcz & Partner Ltd. is now set up to receive payments by PayPal as well.

31.12.2012. We wish all our regular and occasional customers, web designers, translators, editors, proofreaders, cultural consultants, brand name checkers and linguistic validators a prosperous, successful and healthy 2013, a year in which our co-operation rises to new heights.

9.02.2013. Thanks to the negotiations concerning Iceland's joining the EU, as well as our 12-year illustrious history in English < > Icelandic translation, Harcz & Partner Ltd. is translating large volumes of EU-related material from English into Icelandic.

22.02.2014. For the first time in its history, the volume of translation work Harcz & Partner Ltd. receives from direct clients through its corporate websites exceeds the volume of the translation assignments it receives from American and Western European translation agencies. Hopefully, this propitious trend will continue.

31.12.2016. Harcz & Partner Ltd. is entering its 20th year in the translation industry. Over the past two decades, we translated millions of pages from English into European, Asian, African and native American languages, and from those into English, to the uniform satisfaction of our internatiuonal clients.

31.12.2021. We wish our foreign and domestic clients, our translators, proofreaders and editors merry Christmas and a very happy, healthy, prosperous and successful 2022: a year in which our co-operation with you will hopefully rise to new heights.

25.09.2022. One of our specialties is MTPE (machine translation post-editing). We provide this service using experienced native speakers. If you need your machine translation edited by a professional, trust it to us, and we will be pleased to serve you upon short notice.


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