What we translate / Multilingual Translation
Multilingual Translation
Harcz & Partner Ltd. is a multilingual translation company with direct working relationships with well-established freelance translators in over 250 languages and dialects. The languages we can work into include all European languages, as well as several African, native American and Asian ones. Please visit our Featured languages to find out more about our linguistic range.
Since we generally co-operate directly with freelancers instead of outsourcing our projects to intermediary agencies (subcontractors), we can offer highly competitive rates starting at EUR 0.08 per English source word. More information about our pricing is available here: Rates.
In the case of multilingual translation projects, we can deliver the translations by the deadlines and in the formats specified by our clients. We are also engaged in multilingual website translation on a regular basis. If you can provide us with the contents of your website in an electronic format (such as MS Word, Excel or PowerPoint), we can apply lower rates and meet tight deadlines, of course without compromising quality. Our website localizers will adapt your website content to their local market and culture, thus making the target-language website read natural to readers who do not speak English.
Harcz & Partner Ltd. is eager to show you its vast expertise and know-how in the near future.
Image contributed by Wildlife Picture.