
Languages / German Translator

German Translator

German is one of the languages Harcz & Partner Ltd. is engaged in on a most regular basis, either within the framework of a multilingual project or on its own. We have well-established, native and professional English into German translators, editors, proofreaders and cultural consultants who are ready to burn the midnight oil to deliver the translation on time, and who will devote their entire weekend to translating your material into German when required.

We also provide German into English translation through our regular and well-established native speakers of British and American English.

In the course of our illustrious history, we successfully completed thousands of German translation and editing projects to the utmost satisfaction of our international clients. Be it a half-page love letter, a doctoral thesis, a marketing plan, a business agreement, a medical report or a copious book, our native and university-educated, specialized translators will tackle the challenge with flying colors. (Continued below the image.) 

German reflections

Our German translators use the latest software in order to be as efficient as possible. Many of them use translation memory software like Trados or Wordfast Pro, which ensure terminological harmony both in the short run and in the long run, i.e. across projects ordered by the same client. Moreover, the use of such memory software allows us to charge significantly less for repeated words and phrases and partial (fuzzy) matches, i.e. partial repetitions. In the case of a 20-page translation, the resulting savings can amount to hundreds of Dollars. And quality remains at the highest.

In addition to German, Harcz & Partner Ltd. provides translation and editing in a vast array of other languages as well: all major languages of the world, several minor Asian and African languages and a couple of native American tongues, too. We are looking forward to receiving our first project inquiry from you.

German field

Images contributed by Wildlife Picture.



Jeffrey Lodermeier (Senior Director)


Dear Daniel-

I must tell you, it is like you are reading my mind! I was just working on the project and saying to myself, “I sure hope Daniel sends his invoice soon.”
I really appreciate your timely submission of invoices. It makes the projects come to closure efficiently.

Best regards and thanks again.
Jeffrey Lodermeier
Senior Director


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  • Translatino Company
Company News


1st, July, 1997. Harcz & Partner Ltd. Translation Company is established.

10.10.2009. Our new website, Translation Company.org, is online.

13.11.2009. Thanks to a comprehensive revamping of our freelancer database, we can now offer even shorter deadlines in an even more predictable manner.

21.12.2011. Harcz & Partner Ltd. is now set up to receive payments by PayPal as well.

31.12.2012. We wish all our regular and occasional customers, web designers, translators, editors, proofreaders, cultural consultants, brand name checkers and linguistic validators a prosperous, successful and healthy 2013, a year in which our co-operation rises to new heights.

9.02.2013. Thanks to the negotiations concerning Iceland's joining the EU, as well as our 12-year illustrious history in English < > Icelandic translation, Harcz & Partner Ltd. is translating large volumes of EU-related material from English into Icelandic.

22.02.2014. For the first time in its history, the volume of translation work Harcz & Partner Ltd. receives from direct clients through its corporate websites exceeds the volume of the translation assignments it receives from American and Western European translation agencies. Hopefully, this propitious trend will continue.

31.12.2016. Harcz & Partner Ltd. is entering its 20th year in the translation industry. Over the past two decades, we translated millions of pages from English into European, Asian, African and native American languages, and from those into English, to the uniform satisfaction of our internatiuonal clients.

31.12.2021. We wish our foreign and domestic clients, our translators, proofreaders and editors merry Christmas and a very happy, healthy, prosperous and successful 2022: a year in which our co-operation with you will hopefully rise to new heights.

25.09.2022. One of our specialties is MTPE (machine translation post-editing). We provide this service using experienced native speakers. If you need your machine translation edited by a professional, trust it to us, and we will be pleased to serve you upon short notice.


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