
Languages / Dutch Translator

Dutch Translator

Harcz & Partner Ltd. has provided top-notch English into Dutch and Dutch into English translation services to its international clients since 1997. We also provide Dutch editing and proofreading, as well as brand name checking services. Each of our Dutch translators lives in The Netherlands, and is an experienced, professional native speaker with a university degree in one or more specialties. (Continued after the picture.)

Dutch canal reflections

Over the years, we translated all sorts of documents both into and from Dutch, including business contracts, commercial correspondence, medical and pharmaceutical texts (such as patient information sheets, hospital reports and informed consents), technical material (such as user manuals), journalistic texts (e.g. articles, publications, books), as well as scientific papers and theses.

If you assign a translation project to Harcz & Partner Ltd, the product you receive will need no further editing thanks to our three-tier quality management process. We are not among the cheapest Dutch language services providers on the market (nor among the most expensive, by that matter) but this allows us to focus on quality and timely deliveries, and employ a native editor and a native proofreader to check and polish the output of our translator. Quality is also ensured by the rigorous selection criteria on the basis of which we admit freelancers into our carefully maintained and specialized database. (Continued after the picture.)

Dutch capital_Amsterdam

Harcz & Partner Ltd. also offers its international clients Dutch website translation services. We prefer to call this service localization as our Dutch translators not just translate your website content into their native language but adapt it to the characteristics of Dutch culture and the trends prevailing in The Netherlands market, and this way produce a Dutch version of your website that reads smoothly and idiomatically, and is easily comprehended by native Dutch readers who do not speak English at a high level.

Dutch savingsYou can find out about the basic principles that guide our favorable pricing in the Rates section of this website but we prefer to quote on individual projects in order to be able to take into consideration all aspects of your project, and thus quote a price that reflects the amount of time and effort required to accomplish the given task.

If you decide to assign your Dutch projects to Harcz & Partner Ltd, you can take it for granted that the communication gap between yourself and your Dutch business partners or customers will be bridged in a seamless and efficient manner. We are looking forward to receiving our first job offer from you.

Dutch ship



Susan (American client)


You’re my favorite Hungarian! Thank you!!

Susan Bowles
Project Manager


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Company News


1st, July, 1997. Harcz & Partner Ltd. Translation Company is established.

10.10.2009. Our new website, Translation Company.org, is online.

13.11.2009. Thanks to a comprehensive revamping of our freelancer database, we can now offer even shorter deadlines in an even more predictable manner.

21.12.2011. Harcz & Partner Ltd. is now set up to receive payments by PayPal as well.

31.12.2012. We wish all our regular and occasional customers, web designers, translators, editors, proofreaders, cultural consultants, brand name checkers and linguistic validators a prosperous, successful and healthy 2013, a year in which our co-operation rises to new heights.

9.02.2013. Thanks to the negotiations concerning Iceland's joining the EU, as well as our 12-year illustrious history in English < > Icelandic translation, Harcz & Partner Ltd. is translating large volumes of EU-related material from English into Icelandic.

22.02.2014. For the first time in its history, the volume of translation work Harcz & Partner Ltd. receives from direct clients through its corporate websites exceeds the volume of the translation assignments it receives from American and Western European translation agencies. Hopefully, this propitious trend will continue.

31.12.2016. Harcz & Partner Ltd. is entering its 20th year in the translation industry. Over the past two decades, we translated millions of pages from English into European, Asian, African and native American languages, and from those into English, to the uniform satisfaction of our internatiuonal clients.

31.12.2021. We wish our foreign and domestic clients, our translators, proofreaders and editors merry Christmas and a very happy, healthy, prosperous and successful 2022: a year in which our co-operation with you will hopefully rise to new heights.

25.09.2022. One of our specialties is MTPE (machine translation post-editing). We provide this service using experienced native speakers. If you need your machine translation edited by a professional, trust it to us, and we will be pleased to serve you upon short notice.


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