
Languages / Afrikaans Translator

Afrikaans Translator

Harcz & Partner Ltd. provides top-notch, tailor-made, native Afrikaans translation upon short notice, by tight deadlines when required. Many of our Afrikaans translators are fully bilingual in English, which enables them to work in both directions swiftly and efficiently. Our linguists hold one or more university degrees in their specialties, and have vast experience in the translation industry under their belt. (Continued below the image.)

 Afrikaans silhouettes

We can translate into all official languages of South Africa, through native speakers of those languages exclusively. The following is a list of these languages:

·         Afrikaans - 5 983 420 speakers

·         IsiNdebele - 711 825 speakers

·         IsiXhosa - 7 907 149 speakers

·         IsiZulu - 10 677 315 speakers

·         Sesotho sa Leboa - 4 208 974 speakers

·         Sesotho - 3 555 192 speakers

·         Setswana - 3 677 010 speakers

·         SiSwati - 1 194 433 speakers

·         Tshivenda - 1 021 761 speakers

·         Xitsonga - 1 992 201 speakers


The majority of South Africans is multilingual, they are able to speak several South African languages. However, those whose mother tongue is either Afrikaans or English typically do not speak indigenous languages, but are relatively fluent in each other's language. Most South African people speak English at a high level, which is fairly common in commercial and official public life. The country's other lingua franca (connecting language) is isiZulu.

siSwati, IsiZulu, isiNdebele and isiXhosa are collectively called the Nguni languages, and they display several similarities in both grammar and syntax. The Sotho languages, i.e. Sesotho, Setswana and Sesotho sa Leboa also have a lot of characteristics in common. (Continued below the image.)

Afrikaans wildlife

Several of South Africa's linguistic groups descend from the same ancestors. However, as groupings broke up in search of independence and more exuberant pastures for their cattle, distinct variations of the original common languages evolved with time.


Among other fields and specialties, we regularly carry out translation and editing projects in the following subject matters: journalism (publications, articles, blogs, essays, etc.), books, marketing material, HR (CV’s, etc.), business, commerce, finance, medicine, pharmacology, environmental protection, technology, engineering, sports, sciences, telecommunications, as well as advertising.

Harcz & Partner Ltd. is looking forward to receiving its first translation or editing project inquiry from you, and we are going to do our very best to meet your requirements and deliver the requested translation or edited text in a timely manner.

Afrikaans hill

Images contributed by Graham Hobbs.



Farida (client project manager)


Dear Daniel:

I wanted to share with you my client's appreciation of our work.
Thank you for being part of this project!!!
Farida, great job on the EMFOS translation. Please pass along our thanks to those involved.

Please use this specific translator for all my marketing jobs.
Thank you!!

Have a great day!


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Company News


1st, July, 1997. Harcz & Partner Ltd. Translation Company is established.

10.10.2009. Our new website, Translation Company.org, is online.

13.11.2009. Thanks to a comprehensive revamping of our freelancer database, we can now offer even shorter deadlines in an even more predictable manner.

21.12.2011. Harcz & Partner Ltd. is now set up to receive payments by PayPal as well.

31.12.2012. We wish all our regular and occasional customers, web designers, translators, editors, proofreaders, cultural consultants, brand name checkers and linguistic validators a prosperous, successful and healthy 2013, a year in which our co-operation rises to new heights.

9.02.2013. Thanks to the negotiations concerning Iceland's joining the EU, as well as our 12-year illustrious history in English < > Icelandic translation, Harcz & Partner Ltd. is translating large volumes of EU-related material from English into Icelandic.

22.02.2014. For the first time in its history, the volume of translation work Harcz & Partner Ltd. receives from direct clients through its corporate websites exceeds the volume of the translation assignments it receives from American and Western European translation agencies. Hopefully, this propitious trend will continue.

31.12.2016. Harcz & Partner Ltd. is entering its 20th year in the translation industry. Over the past two decades, we translated millions of pages from English into European, Asian, African and native American languages, and from those into English, to the uniform satisfaction of our internatiuonal clients.

31.12.2021. We wish our foreign and domestic clients, our translators, proofreaders and editors merry Christmas and a very happy, healthy, prosperous and successful 2022: a year in which our co-operation with you will hopefully rise to new heights.

25.09.2022. One of our specialties is MTPE (machine translation post-editing). We provide this service using experienced native speakers. If you need your machine translation edited by a professional, trust it to us, and we will be pleased to serve you upon short notice.


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