
Languages / Chinese Translator

Chinese Translator

Approximately one-fifth of the population of the world speaks some variety of Chinese natively, which is more than one billion people. Chinese is a language family consisting of languages and dialects that are mostly mutually intelligible. Harcz & Partner Ltd. can provide translation from English into Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese, if required, overnight. Thanks to our decade-long co-operation with our native Chinese translators and editors, we can offer affordable rates and quick turn-around times.  

We regularly complete multilingual projects from English into a host of languages, one of which is often Chinese. A typical example is website translation, in which case our translators make sure that the Chinese target text reads just as idiomatic as the English original does. They localize the contents of your website taking into account all relevant features of Chinese culture and the Chinese market. (Continued below the image.)

Chinese river with mountains

The types of material we can translate into Chinese include the following: legal, medical, pharmaceutical and business documents, marketing texts, human resources material (e.g. CV’s), biographies, blogs, diaries, scientific papers, articles, books and other publications, journalistic texts, technical manuals, PowerPoint presentations, software, promotional material, texts related environmental protection and human rights, and last but not least corporate correspondence and personal letters (including love letters) and messages. You can find detailed information about our capabilities if you visit What we translate.

In addition to Chinese, we offer a wide range of other languages as well, including all major languages of the world, as well as a multitude of minor African, Asian and Pacific vernaculars. One of our specialties has been Icelandic translation for more than a decade. For a non-exhaustive list of our strongest languages, please visit our Featured languages. However, feel safe also sending us inquiries regarding languages not listed there. (Continued below the image.)

Chinese sunrise.jpg

We do our best at all times to adjust our rates to the actual amount of work required by the project at hand. We base our calculations on about twelve factors. You can read more about these factors by visiting the Rates section of the current website.

Harcz & Partner Ltd. is ready to process your next monolingual or multilingual translation order. We are looking forward to receiving your first project inquiry, which will be answered very promptly.



Francisco Zamorano, client project manager


Hi Daniel,


Apparently, your Polish translator was right. Comment from the client:


The linguist is correct please remove "aluminum".  This is a great catch by your linguist.


Best regards.


 Francisco Zamorano
Project Manager


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  • Translatino Company
Company News


1st, July, 1997. Harcz & Partner Ltd. Translation Company is established.

10.10.2009. Our new website, Translation Company.org, is online.

13.11.2009. Thanks to a comprehensive revamping of our freelancer database, we can now offer even shorter deadlines in an even more predictable manner.

21.12.2011. Harcz & Partner Ltd. is now set up to receive payments by PayPal as well.

31.12.2012. We wish all our regular and occasional customers, web designers, translators, editors, proofreaders, cultural consultants, brand name checkers and linguistic validators a prosperous, successful and healthy 2013, a year in which our co-operation rises to new heights.

9.02.2013. Thanks to the negotiations concerning Iceland's joining the EU, as well as our 12-year illustrious history in English < > Icelandic translation, Harcz & Partner Ltd. is translating large volumes of EU-related material from English into Icelandic.

22.02.2014. For the first time in its history, the volume of translation work Harcz & Partner Ltd. receives from direct clients through its corporate websites exceeds the volume of the translation assignments it receives from American and Western European translation agencies. Hopefully, this propitious trend will continue.

31.12.2016. Harcz & Partner Ltd. is entering its 20th year in the translation industry. Over the past two decades, we translated millions of pages from English into European, Asian, African and native American languages, and from those into English, to the uniform satisfaction of our internatiuonal clients.

31.12.2021. We wish our foreign and domestic clients, our translators, proofreaders and editors merry Christmas and a very happy, healthy, prosperous and successful 2022: a year in which our co-operation with you will hopefully rise to new heights.

25.09.2022. One of our specialties is MTPE (machine translation post-editing). We provide this service using experienced native speakers. If you need your machine translation edited by a professional, trust it to us, and we will be pleased to serve you upon short notice.


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